For the last two Halloweens we have gone to see the Witch displays at Gardner Village. Carter calls it the Witches House. He loves to go and explore all the different witches and see what they are doing. He calls the one with the long black hair the Mommy one because he thinks it looks more like Mommy than a witch..... should I be offended? I don't quite know.... 
Thursday, September 29, 2011
My Latest Project
Ever since Pete and I have moved into our house we have been updating things from the tile, to the third bathroom, the playroom, extra parking, and the countertops. My latest project was to paint the door and shutters black. It gives the house a little pop instead of all the white. I also painted all the trim around the door and garage. It was a week project but I love the results. 
Halloween... Halloween... Lots of Fun on Halloween....
Halloween for those of you who don't really know me is my FAVORITE holiday. We have started the decorating in September.... like those grocery stores who start stocking candy to early I start decorating too early. From the skeleton straws at dinner time to the house and nightlights. We have also already gotten our pumpkins for family home evening one night. Carter and I LOVE it.
Livys favorite place to be...
Every day multiple times in the day you can find Liv standing under any one of the eight kitchen chairs under the table. She loves to stand and she feels like this is the best place to do it. She can stand under there for 10-15 min at a time and loves it until it is time to get out. Then she cries for help. 
Family Home Evening
One thing that Carter loves to do is to take the train downtown to the temple. He has been calling it Heavenly Fathers temple lately and loves to go and visit. I don't blame him as it is one of my favorite things to do too. We love the small temple they have on display nowadays too. I took some change with us so Carter could make some wishes in the fountain. I showed him how to do the first wish and said "I wish Carter is happy all the days of his life." So Carter takes a coin and says " I hope Daddy is safe forever." another coin "I hope Mommy is safe forever." another coin "I hope Livy is safe forever." another coin "I hope the bears like me." another coin "I hope Brett is my friend forever." another coin "I want to live with Heavenly Father and Brett forever." Brett you should feel special.... Brett is a friend in the neighborhood. Carter loves to play with Brett.
Monday, September 26, 2011
We have been able to count our blessings this year but one of the coolest blessings Pete and I have experienced this year is going to the baptism of Chandler and Cassandra and then the sealing of the whole family a couple days later. We love the Morley family and have been so lucky to watch them give up things to get an eternal family and see how strong and amazing they are in the process. Pete and I were honored to escort them through the temple process. We love that family.
BYU we bleed BLUE.
Since Pete is the Elders Quorum President he has to plan a few ward activities each year and this year his presidency decided to do a ward BYU/Ute game with a big screen and surround sound outside. Weeeeeelllll unfortunately BYU got stomped. But my kids looked cute on the bright side :)
The Zoo
Beth, Kim, and I took the kids to the zoo. Daisey is in Carter's primary and preschool class and Maci and Kaden live across the street. It was the perfect day for the zoo. Great weather and not crowded. Carters favorite animal was the snakes. I loved the elephants and the giraffes. I had never seen a giraffe with black spots before. Livy as you can tell was TIRED and fell asleep for part of the day. 
Dads visit
My Dad came down for about five days this month. We took the kids to park city one day and one day to Temple Square. Madi and Carter love the temple grounds and stuck together the whole time. It was a good visit. 
Carters First Day of Preschool
Carter is going to Miss Brandies preschool. He is so happy to go to class twice a week and has a good sized class with about seven boys and three girls I think... He loves to learn and play. The first day of school he was sitting on the kitchen counter eating some banana bread and said "Mommy are you going to come back and get me?" "Yes Carter" "Mommy where am I going to out my backpack when I get to school?" It was cute because you could tell he was nervous and it reminded me alot of me when I was a kid.... the nerves went away the first day and he has loved it since. 
Random Shots of the Kids.
Carter decided to try and fight the driveway and the driveway won. He was pretending he was the Daddy fighting bad guys trying to get into our house and face planted. It will be a scar for sure. Then one morning the kids were sitting in front of the A/C vent drumming it with the fingers and talking it was cute. I love the backs of my kids heads. I think they are shaped really cute. One night I gave Livy a licorace to chew and when she was done she looked like the Joker from Batman. She loved it. The next picture was of Carter waiting to go out with the guys. They were having a father and sons campout for the ward but it was pouring rain so Pete and Daniel took the boys to a hotel to swim all night and Sadie and I kept the girls and did a slumber party with BBC :) The last shot is of Liv she loves to try and climb things. 
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