Monday, March 7, 2011

Elders Quorom Pine Wood Derby

Pete is the Elders Quroum President in our ward and this year Pete and his counselors have put together some fun activites.  The first of which was this pinewood derby.  Pete made two cars and I made one... well painted it and Pete put it together.  As you can tell Pete had a Y car for BYU... his Y car did well he placed first in many of the heats... as shown below.... He is under Peet Watkins... don't know if they mispelled his name as a joke or what.  Then we have a picture of some of the wives cars and some people in our ward that I love... enjoy!


CK said...

How fun and awesome! I saw some pics on fb!

CK said...

That pic of Carter and Madi at the window is so cute. Sometimes I wish I lived near Becky so our kids could get together