I finally made Carters room officially his room... he has been sleeping in here forever but all his stuff was in the nursery. So I decorated and Pete changed the bedknobs to baseballs... clever... and tada! Carter loves his new room and takes everyone to check it out. Even his teddy bear got the full tour from Carter.... it was so dang cute. I wish everyone could have heard him explaining to Maddie Bear "And this is the basketballs... " It was too cute. Things like that make parenting so worth it.
Monday, September 27, 2010
The Childrens Museum
Pete and I are members at the childrens museum and it is worth every penny. We took all the grandbabies (except Brynli) to play. we all shoved into my moms Honda Pilot and had a great day. It is really fun to watch kids explore new things. They spent the most time in the grocery store and it was really cute. Both Carter and Madi knew that you should swipe the groceries on something to scan them. But there were no scanners so they would swipe the groceries on the actual cash register. It was cute.
Grandmas House
We had the joy of having all of the grandbabies in the same house for a couple weeks. They all love eachother and were so excited to see eachother in the mornings when they woke up. I wish Andy and Katy lived back in Utah because our boys are good buddies. I am glad John and Kel are back. These five kids are really the joys of my life. Soon to be six when Olivia gets here.
Grandma Knights Funeral
My Grandma Knight died on August 29th 2010. It was the sadest thing to ever happen to me thus far in my 30 years of life. She was like a second mother to me literally. Helped raise me, gave me advice, feed me, ect. She was alot of fun and full of life and wisdom. I can't wait to see her again. If she was here today I would want her to know she lived a good life and fought a good fight to the bitter end. In all things she was a good example to her children and grandchildren and the world was a better place to have had her in it. Thank you Grandma for everything you have done for us. Love you.

Dinosaur Park With Grandma/pa Watkins
Lagoon 2010
Now I will go on the record to say I really do think Lagoon is overpriced and not worth the money.... but Carters reactions were so cute it was almost worth it. It was the perfect overcast day and therefore wasn't hot... which for me and pregnancy was great. Carter loved his first roller coaster as he is a thrill seeker :) 
Yakima and Kennewick WA
I served my mission in these two areas as well as three more and I wanted to see way more people on my trip but I was so sick by this part of the trip that the next day we cut the trip a little short and drove straight to Idaho where we admitted me to the E.R. Fun I know.... this makes all you women who have never had children want to run out and get pregnant :) But let me explain in the picture we have Kimmie D. first who was one of my neighbors. I loved her so much.... she has some disabilities but to me they just make her more amazing. She is a wonderful role model to mankind. Then there is Suzanne who is a lady I taught on my mission.... she never joined probably because of language barriers but six years later I still consider her a true friend that I adore and love. Then we have the Lowes.... Carter is in love with Morgan if you can't tell... they were my mission mama, papa, brother and sisters. They are my family. LOVE them. There was so many people I wanted to see and I hope you know who you are!
Monday, September 13, 2010
The Falls
Choo Choo!
Carter LOVES trains. So we thought it would be cool on our OR trip to take him on a four hour train ride. Of course he took a nap. He always does on trains.... must like the sway! Carters favorite place to be on the train was on the caboose because it was an open air area. He was fun to watch on the train. Super excited. It was a nice trip up to Park Dale and back. 

White Salmon/Hood River OR
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