Saturday, June 18, 2011
Carter at Universal
So this particular day at the parks was super hot and Carter ended up in the parks First Aid area to cool down and get hydrated. He had started to throw up from the heat and it was so hard to get him to eat and drink. It was sad but he bounced back with in the hour and it rained a bit cooling things off and after Pete took him for a two hour nap later in the afternoon he came back and enjoyed the day in Dr. Suess Land. It was his favorite part of the parks.
Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Universal
We got very lucky and Pete's brother Steve has a friend that works at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter... his name is Scott and he plays Olivander at the Olivanders Wand Shop. He does an amazing 10 or 15 minute wand show where he picks someone from the audience to choose thier wand. There is some magic involved and it was cool. He did a private wand choosing for Pete, Carter, and I which was so much fun. I am telling you I felt like a kid all over again in the parks.... Pete said I haven't seen you this happy the whole trip. And it was true. I was giddy. I loved all the attention to detail and the castle was so dang awesome with the coolest ride I have ever been on. I was next to a probably 10 year old maybe 11 year old kid on the ride and he cried the whole way through it. It was intense and a blast. The week we were there the Weasley twins from the movie were there for "fun" we just missed seeing them.... oh well!
Disney World
So this is Carters second trip to Disney World and it was totally opposite from our last trip. Our last trip he was scared to death of all the characters but loved the rides. This trip he loved the characters but was scared of most of the rides. He would cover his eyes at the beginning of each ride unless or until he decided the ride was "safe." If he didn't like the ride he would ask if "the board is over because I don't like this board." I guess he has been playing too much Mario on the WII or something. He was so wiped out from the heat he would fall asleep everywhere even though we would take him to the hotel for his mid afternoon nap. He fell asleep at most restraunts. He was hilarious at night though... the picture of him with his feet kicked up on the pillow was taken at 1am after getting back from Disney he would get up on the hotel bed with a drink, bear, and some food and chill for 15 min watching T.V. before crashing again. It was hot as hades some of the days but two of the days we got really lucky and had nice weather. All in all it was fun but I will never do Disney from June through August ever again. I want to go in October next time. Pete and I did the parks in January once and that was perfect almost chilly in the mornings. ![]()
Florida 2011
Here we are on the plane going to Florida. Carter was so excited to fly again... he loves airplanes. He was really good on the plane as always and had funny little comments about the flight throughout. Like "We are not going to fall, right Mommy?" It was a long day and we got to Stevens house by 1am and crashed. We also saw the Orlando Temple this trip. Carter loves temples and he especially loved all the lizards outside this temple. Then here is a picture of us eating at a restraunt called Bananas where they serve Banana cotton candy after every meal. They even have a two person breakfast for $200 called the Millionaires Breakfast..... needles to say we didn't buy that to eat. Oh and my favorite picture is of the card board license plate down in Fanning Springs FL we saw it. We laughed our heads off.... lets just say the couple was definately W.T.
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