Monday, January 3, 2011

The best big brother a girl could ever ask for.

Carter and I decided we needed to make a "Haunted Castle" in which the princess (as seen on top of the castle) is waiting for Mario to come and save her.  :)  Carter was Mario for Halloween... and then there is a shot of our daily I am awake from my nap but too tired to walk down the hall so I will wait for mom to come and get me.... I love my boy to pieces he is truly my best friend. 

Introducing Olivia Lynn Watkins

We have FINALLY gotten our second addition to our family.  It seems like it took forever to get her here but Olivia was born on 12/29/10 at 11:03 am.  She came very easy during labor.  No real labor pains to speak of and I only pushed for maybe a minute or two.  She is such a sweet baby and hardly ever cries.  She weighed 6 pounds 12 ounces but has lost weight due to the Jaundice.  I put her in some preemie clothes today and they drowned her.  She is on the Bile Bed at all times however so clothes are only necissary for going to get her blood drawn to see if the Jaundice is getting better... so far it is not.  She has gone from an 11.9 to a 13.4 to a 16.4... basically not good.  We are currently sleep deprived and happy to be so because it means we get Livy in our lives.  Carter is loving the whole experience and every morning he wakes up and tells me how cute or pretty the baby is and that he loves her.  We are truly blessed.