Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Discovery Gateway Musuem
Pete and I decided to get an annual membership for the Discovery Gateway Musuem so that we can take Carter a couple times a week. They have free classes everyday including music classes, reading groups, science classes, self esteem classes, art classes, and toddler time. Carter loves it. We usually go at least twice a week and this time we brought Madi who also loved it. They were cute to watch. Keli and I had to jam three car seats in the back of the Volvo but we did it. Brinly slept through the ordeal until five pm when she got hungry.
Rachel Knights Baby Blessing
Monica had her baby girl and she is a doll. We drove down to NV for the baby blessing. It was a short trip but we were glad we could make it and support Monica in this life changing joy. We love them both. Don't you think Rachel looks like Monica and John? 
The Hayes come for a visit.
We got lucky enough to have Petes sister Stacey and her husband Scott and the kids here in Utah for a brief trip. Carter loves his cousins and so do we. We wished they lived in UT.... hint hint....
Christmas 2009
Yes I know we are now in 2010 but I haven't updated since 2009.... but my mother in law needs to see her baby... well both her babies. So Mom here you go! We first have a picture of us at Temple Square. Carter loves to go see the temple and he always cries when we leave. We went to Idaho for Christmas this year and Pete of course had to take carter on the "motorcycles".... he thinks the four wheelers are motorcycles and he love them. Carter was sitting in the sled screaming "Go Daddy Go!" and "Faster Daddy" He is definately an adrenaline junky. The next picture is a MIRACLE. John actually did the dishes after Christmas dinner. Sheer miracle will never happen again. I had to get a picture. And last is one of Carter opening a present. I love him in that outfit. We got him a mini table and chairs for Christmas and a bunch of other stuff I can't remember now. 
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