Saturday, September 27, 2008
Carter Crawls!
Carter has been army crawling for about a week and a half. He is so strong he will be full on crawling before we know it. He loves to crawl down the hall because he can visit his room, the living room, our bedroom, the kitchen and unfortunately the bathroom.... we have to keep that door shut at all times. He loves the hall the most though because of the door stops that he can pull and makes noises with.
Can you get any cuter than this? I don't think so!
Carter is now 8 months old as of the 26th. He is so much fun that I can honestly say he makes me the happiest person on earth. He is my best friend in the whole world. We do everything together.... and I love it. I feel blessed to be able to stay home with him and I thank Pete for working so hard that I can do so. Carter has learned how to cluck with his tongue this week... after observing me for a couple days. He thinks it is so cool. He loves rice crispies and crispix. He is getting two teeth... they are almost busting through the gum. So we are getting there. We love him TONS.
A Nice Surprise
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Wedding Pictures!
My sister in law Katy needed some pictures of my wedding bouqet (she made it.) Katy is going to do her sisters bouqet as well and wanted to see my flowers again. So I thought I may as well post some pictures on the blog. Pete and I have been married for two years and two months. We were married in the Salt Lake City Temple.... the temple I dreamed of when I was a child. And all my dreams have come true ten fold. I never thought I could be so happy in a relationship and to know it is for eternity makes it all the sweeter. I love my husband with all my heart. .JPG)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
The Hit and Run
Carter LOVES his bath time.
Carter is now seven and a half months old and he loves to be in the water. He is so fun to watch in the tub. We love him soooooo much. I printed this picture off for the scrap book and Pete stole it for his desk so I had to print it off again.
Pete's 26th Birthday
We celebrated Petes birthday at the beach because we were flying home the day of. He loves ice cream cake so that is what he got. I got him a fridge for his office at work, a gift card to Home Depot to buy whatever he wanted, and a nice shirt. He had an okay birthday considering Carter and I were on a plane most of the day and didn't get to see him until 10:30 PM. But we tried to make it a great day.

Beach Baby Beach Baby
More Beach Shots
This is Carter's favorite beach activity. Jakes was anything to do with the water... or eating sand :)
Myrtle Beach SC Trip
Well we went to the beach with Dad & Eleanor, Andy Katy & Jake, Amanda & Tiffany. It was a nice beach front condo with a lazy river. Lets just say the lazy river was the highlight of Carters trip. He LOVED it. He would get all excited and splash and squeal. Then he would sit back and relax and kick his legs. He was so so so much fun in the pool. He was not however a fan of the ocean. It scared him to death after he got splashed by a wave. Oh well. Maybe next time.
Rollin Rollin Rollin
Carter's Cute Mohawk
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