Friday, October 30, 2009
Trunk or Treat in Kernersville NC
I have to laugh at these pictures of Carter.... He definately doesn't look comfortable. I need to alter the neck to fit better. But Carter loved to chew on the dinosaur claws and he prefered the hat off but once he got around other kids he forgot about the hat. He was cute going from person to person getting his own treats and carrying his own pumpkin. He even said pumpkin for the first time! I love our boy.
I am a BIG boy
Carters first time eatin cereal on his own. He did a pretty good job. He wanted to do it like his older cousin Jake.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Random NC Pics
Here are some random pictures.... one of Jacob and Carter playing in Jakes room. They were being so dang cute that day in there talking up a storm holding a nice conversation. I peeked in and saw them looking outside discussing what they saw. Here is also a picture of Papa reading the boys a book. Jacob asked him to read it and I didn't think he would but he did and they loved it.
Charlotte Library
It's funny to see how different kids are.... Carter was such a socialite at the reading time and Jake was so shy and quiet.... he totally reminded me of Andy when he was little.... it was cute to watch them both.
Monkey Joe's
Katy and I took the boys to Monkey Joes one morning to play on all the blow up toys. They liked it but they loved playing basketball there the most. That should make thier daddys proud. You should have seen Katy and I on one of the blow up toys we could barely get over the wall after multiple tries. She is 81/2 months prego I had no excuse. We were laughing hard.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Carter Best Buddy
This is how it usually goes when Amanda is here... Carter sticks to her like glue. He loves loves loves his Amanda.
Halloween tradition....
Pete and I always carve pumpkins while watching The Nightmare Before Christmas. He hates the movie but I love it and he loves me. I have a good husband. Thanks babe. Pete made the scary face and I did the skeleton. Carter just ran around excited to see them lit up.... and watched the movie. Some pumkin seeds got on him and he said "EWWWW."
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Girls Camp 2009
I love Young Womens. I had been in the program two years and had two great girls camps... when all of the sudden the ward split and I was moved to Gospel Doctrine teacher.... I love that too but I miss my girls!
What we found coming home from the temple....
Here is a picture of how we found Carter coming home from the temple last night. The babysitter didn't want to move him because he was so tired and upset I wasn't home. He was out cold turkey. There is also a picture of Carter watching our wedding video he was glued to the t.v. saying Daddy? Daddy? And then a picture of Pete and Carter watching World Word on his I phone. It's part of our night routine. Cute eh?
Pictures off an old Camera.....
Pete and I love to go fourwheeling in Idaho. Here are some pictures I just found on an old camera of an all day trip in the mountains with the Hales, my parents, and Tiffany.
Random Carter Pics
My inlaws have been in town for three weeks and we have had a good time. As you can see Carter loves them. This is from the hotel in St. George. We went down for three nights so Pete's parents can look at buying a winter home there. The next picture is one of how long Carter's hair is.... yes we did cut it. I love his hair though it is like a wild beast and is hard to tame. The picture of Carter is with him and our neighbor Kaden. Carter loves Kaden the other day Kaden was outside and Carter ran over and started hugging and kissing him. They are good buddies. And lastly is one last picture of Carter in his crib.... he has just graduated to a toddler bed. He hasn't even fallen out.... he is such a big boy now!
Pete Turned 27 09/01/09
I couldn't get Pete to be in the picture he thought that would be dumb I guess.... But he had a good birthday I took him to dinner and a movie and then brought balloons and cake to his office and then bought him a bunch of presents.... I am glad he is mine and I hope we live to be 87 together.... I love you Pete.... But if you take note you can see what color we have painted most of the house. 
Madi and Kel come to visit.
We were lucky enough to see Madi and Keli this summer.... they have been in Boston and Philedelphia for the summer but they came to UT for a visit and we got them for two days. Unfortunately we all got food poisining thanks to Costco lasagna. I haven't had lasagna since. But it was nice to see them we can't wait for them to come home in a week and a half!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Disney World
Carter loved Disney. His favorite ride was Its a Small World. He would clap and yell for joy throughout the whole ride. He also loved Dumbo and Finding Nemo and Pooh and Peter Pan and the Haunted Mansion. I thought for two seconds "I wonder if he will be scared in the Haunted Mansion?" But then I thought no way. He LOVED it. He stayed in Disney one of the nights until 11:30 PM and could have kept going. It was so fun to watch him get excited. It was however hotter than Hades and I was glad to get back to the dry heat in Utah. We loved the trip and hope to do it again when he is old enough to leave the stroller at home. Grandma and Grandpa Watkins came with us and we had a good time hanging out and swimming at night at the hotel. Pete would throw Carter up in the pool and let him splash back into the water. He would say "One, Two, Three" and Carter would fly up and and as soon as Carter got back down he would say "One? One? One?" until Pete threw him up in the air again. It was cute.
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