Saturday, November 1, 2008

Carters first time on grass!

Carter loves grass. I normally don't let him crawl around on it but the bees are gone for the year and so are the mosquitos so I let him give it a whirl. He thought it was cool.

Clover Dell First Annual Halloween Carnival

Thanks to Debbie Jorgenson and a bunch of other moms including myself we had a fun Halloween carnival in our circle. We had tons of things to do like frost halloween cookies, hit a pinada, make sucker ghosts, pin the nose on the pumkin, ect. It was a success and we had lots of kids come out. Carter and I didn't want to get all dressed up so we wore our black Halloween shirts from Old Navy and a Halloween tatoo on our face. It was a fun time and Carter enjoyed looking at all the kids.

Carter loves to be naked.

Like most babies Carter loves to be without the diaper. He crawls faster and climbs easier. If you look closley you can see his bottom two teeth that he has worked hard to get. For all you mom's out there- we have found teething tablets are way way way better than the teething gel for all parties involved.

Our Murder Mystery Night

In celebration of Halloween each year I do a murder mystery dinner. This year it was the "All my Children" soap opera dinner. It was really fun. Tiffany was a reporter, Amanda was an artist, Aunt Bonnie was the matriarch/wealthy lady in town, Uncle Mark was a lawyer, I was a once old model divorced six times, Pete was a business man whose business was shady, Becky and Blaine were millionaires, and Lydia and Becky were our amazing waitresses. Turns out Becky was the murderer and no one but Becky guessed that right!